Knowledge is power.
Courses / Services
Courses / Services
2.5 hour Live Breastfeeding course 1-on-1
You will get training tailored you including: Breastfeeding basics, Positioning, Common challenges, Picking a pump, How your partner/ support can help etc…
Even Better. Call your Preggo BFF and learn and eat together.
Cost $100 - 260
Overwhelmed by all the baby info coming at you? Not sure what you need? Want education about what baby stuff, breastfeeding stuff etc is out there? I can guide you and help you understand what you really need based on your plan for you and the baby. You answer a bunch of questions about yourself and your particular situation, then I will analyze that and we will have a 90 minute consult and you will “walk away” with a documented plan of what products and services you need as a well as some guidance, tips and tricks, local resources and knowledge on how to prepare for your journey into parenthood.
Cost: $130
Twelve pregnancy and birth meditations written by birth professionals and a certified hypnotherapist to help prepare your mind for the journey of labor and birth.
Don’t know exactly, what services you need or want? Want assistance in making a plan for the entire journey? Second-time mom that knows you don’t want a doula but want help with specific things like labor techniques, postpartum planning or whatever? Having a Planned C-section? Book a few hours of Perinatal Planning Support.